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피싱메일 예시

by 그래도널 2019. 12. 18.

회사든 어디든 메일주소가 기본인 요즘 피싱메일(일명 낚시 메일)은 지긋 지긋하게도 매일 온다.

대부분 회사 메일 시스템 또는 포털사이트에서 걸러지긴 하지만 가끔 도착하는 메일에 고민을 하는 경우가 있을때도 있다.

Greetings Sir/Madam,



We have concluded our global Security careful investigation which revealed through our site light radar that you were involved in scam transaction perpetrated by some organized syndicates operating from different world, World Bank Project Auditors have approved Scam Compensation sum of $4.5 million United States Dollars global compensation to 800, 00 scam victims, your name / email address were among victims approved to receive their scam compensation funds this year 2019. Respond to this message for more details guiding this process, you will never regret given this opportunity a chance hence it will re-position you financially after going through trauma in the hands of those crooks.



We are going to process your scam compensation according to the World Bank scam settlement policy. You have the opportunity to receive your scam compensation funds if you respond to this message. Our site light cable security devise discovered all the disappointments and extortion you suffered in the hands of those crooks operating with impersonated face book, hangout, emails, Instagram and other APP devise. You will hear more of their antics once you respond to this message. You will hear more reveling /shocking antics uses by those crooks, i presumed you may be wondering why you have not received any funds as the promised after obeying their instructions, give this opportunity the benefit of doubts and see what happens next.



This scam compensation has legal confirmation documents from necessary concerned authorities. Your response is highly imminent. Those crooks have no money to pay you, everything is just scam to wreck and make you look stupid, and you are not the only person involve in this unprecedented drama.



You will be surprise what you hear upon your reply to this message.

상기 메일은 대략 요약하자면 너 사기 당한거 우리가 찾아냈고 그 사기 자금인 450만원을 받을 수 있는 자격이 너에게 있으니 나에게 연락하면 주겠다라는 내용.

당연하게도 피싱메일이니 첨부파일/회신/링크클릭 따위 하지 않도록 하자
